WordPress Tricks

WordPress.com Theme: Mystique by digitalnature CSS Upgrade and Style sheet modification: Now Modify,remove,Hide, edit or change your Header Site Title,Navigation Menu Bar,Right SideBar Widget ,Comments Section,Blog Post Title,Post Content width and background, Tags- Change Font color,font type and font size,Blank Space and more.

Mystique theme  by digitalnature CSS Upgrade and Style sheet modification

Like other nice themes Mystique is another cool looking theme of WordPress.com. Today I would like to share you some basic and important CSS modification tricks of Mystique theme by digitalnature.

The modification shared here is basically for WordPress.com self hosted sites who have purchased CSS upgrade. But if you are using Mystique theme in your own domain and hostings then you have to use this css modification codes in the relative style sheet.

Any Problem To modify your Website’s CSS???? Feel free to share your problem in the Comments Box. I will help you to solve your problem.

1)If you don’t want to show Header Title with Header Description of Theme Mystique by digitalnature

#branding {
display: none;
padding: 4em 0 2em;

2)If you want to remove the Header Title Font color, size and Font type of Theme Mystique by digitalnature

#branding #logo a {
color: red;
font-family: times New Roman;
font-size: 0.8em;
font-variant: small-caps;
letter-spacing: 0.04em;
text-decoration: none;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000000;

3) If you want to change the Hover color of Header Title of Theme Mystique by digitalnature.

Note: you may paste the following code at the bottom of style.css

#branding #logo a:hover{

4) If you want to remove the blank space just above the Header Title of Theme Mystique

#branding {
padding: 2em 0;

5)If you want to add a rounded corder border in Site Description of Mystique theme by digitalnature

#site-description {
-moz-border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
background-color: #EFEF0F;
color: #C2DC15;

6) If you want to change the font color,font type and font-size of site Description

#site-description {
color: black;
float: left;
font-family: times New Roman;
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: normal;
letter-spacing: 1px;
margin: 0.2em 0 0 1em;
padding: 0.8em 0.2em;

7) If you want to change the hover background color of navigation menus

#access .menu li a:hover {
background-color: red;

8.)If you want to remove the Post Tags

.post-meta .post-tags {
background: url(“images/icons.png”) no-repeat scroll -31px -55px transparent;
display: none;
font-style: italic;
line-height: 22px;
overflow: hidden;
padding-left: 20px;

9) If you don’t want to show the post date

.post-date {
background: url(“images/info-bar.png”) no-repeat scroll left -75px transparent;
display: none;
float: left;
font-weight: bold;
padding-left: 11px;
text-transform: uppercase;

10) If you want to change the Font color,font size and font type of Right side bar widget title

.widget-title {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
color: red;
font-family: times New Roman;
font-size: 17px;
font-weight: bold;
height: 48px;
letter-spacing: normal;
line-height: 23px;
margin: 0;
padding: 6px 6px 0 10px;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
text-transform: uppercase;


If you want to change the Right SideBar widget title background image

.widget-title {
background-image: url(“images/green/widget-title-green.png”);

12)If you don’t want to show or hide the side description

#site-description {
color: #C2DC15;
display: none;

13)If you want to increase the width of your whole theme Content.

#container {
margin: 0 auto;
width: 1032px;

14) If you want to increase the width of your blog Content

#container {
margin: 0 auto;
width: 1032px;
#content-container #content {
padding: 1em;
width: 678px;

15)If you want to change blog post title’s font color,size and font type

#content .post-title a {
color: blue;
font-family: tahoma;
font-size: 1.1em;
text-decoration: none;

16)If you want to change the Background color of Blog Post Title

#content .post-title {
background-color: gold;
clear: none;
font-family: times New Roman;
font-size: 23px;

17)If you want to change only the background color of Post Content

.entry {
background-color: blanchedAlmond;
clear: left;
margin-top: 10px;
overflow: hidden;

18) If you want to change whole body background color of your theme

#main {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 goldenRod;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;

19)If you want to change the Background color of Author Information

#author-info-box {
background-color: red;
color: #CCCCCC;
font-style: italic;
line-height: 18px;
padding: 20px;

20) If you want to change Author Information Title font color,font size and font type

#author-info-title {
clear: none !important;
color: white;
font-family: times New Roman;
font-size: 23px;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

21) If you want to change the other content of Author Box

#author-info-box {
color: white;
font-family: times New Roman;
font-style: italic;
line-height: 18px;

22)If you don’t want to show author info box

#author-info-box {
background-color: red;
color: white;
display: none;
font-family: times New Roman;
font-style: italic;
line-height: 18px;
padding: 20px;

23) If you don’t want to show Comment’s Section Header Tab

#secondary-tabs {
background-position: left 34px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
display: none;
margin: 2em 0 0.4em;
padding-bottom: 30px;

24) If you don’t want to show Whole comments box

#respond {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F6F6F6;
border-top: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
display: none;
padding: 15px;

25) If you want to change the font color,size and font type of “Leave A Reply”

#reply-title, #trackback-title {
color: blue;
font-family: times New Roman;
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: bold;

26) If you want to change the background color of Comments section

#respond {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 wheat;
padding: 15px;

27) If you want to change the Navigation Menus Font color, size and font type

#access a {
color: blue;
display: block;
font-family: times New Roman;
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 2em;
margin: 0 1px 0 0;
padding: 0.1em 1em 0;
text-decoration: none;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #FFFFFF;

28) If you want to change the Blog Post’s content font,color and size

.entry p {
color: black;
font-family: times New Roman;
font-size: 14px;
margin: 0 0 0.8em;
padding: 0;
text-align: justify;

29)If you want to change whole right sidebar background color

body.content-sidebar #sidebar {
background-color: wheat;
float: right;

30) If you want to change only the right sidebar’s widget content’s background color

.widget-area ul ul {
background-color: wheat;
font-family: times New Roman;
font-size: 18px;
list-style: none outside none;
padding-left: 2px;

31)If you want to change the Right side bar widget’s contents font color,size and type

.widget-area ul ul a {
color: blue;
font-family: tahoma;
font-size: 19px;
text-decoration: none;

32)If you want to remove Posted By(Post Info) and Date

.post-date {
background: url(“images/info-bar.png”) no-repeat scroll left -75px transparent;
display: none;
float: left;
font-weight: bold;
padding-left: 11px;
text-transform: uppercase;
.post-info {
background: url(“images/info-bar.png”) no-repeat scroll right top transparent;
color: #BBBBBB;
display: none;
height: 42px;
margin-left: 11px;
overflow: hidden;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #FFFFFF;

You can take my personal help in skype : om2000_cuet

89 thoughts on “WordPress.com Theme: Mystique by digitalnature CSS Upgrade and Style sheet modification: Now Modify,remove,Hide, edit or change your Header Site Title,Navigation Menu Bar,Right SideBar Widget ,Comments Section,Blog Post Title,Post Content width and background, Tags- Change Font color,font type and font size,Blank Space and more.”

  1. I’m using the Wordpess.com theme: Andrea. It’s beautiful but the “Leave Comments” link is at the top of the layout immediately to the right of the title of the blog. It’s extremely distracting. How can I move the “Leave Comments” to the bottom of the blog?

    Thank you.


      1. Robert thanks for your comments…
        As you are using wordpress.com self hosted blog (me too also), wordpress dont allow us to change the structure of the html or php code.
        So, it is not possible to move the “Leave Comments” at the bottom….but I can help you to hide that using CSS.
        DO you want to hide it?


  2. Hiding it would be great. Thank you. All the link does is drop you down to the comments section. Do i edit or add the code you will provide? (I’ve never done this before 🙂



    1. Hi Robert
      try this code

      #content a.comments-link {
      color: #6799C8;
      display: none;

      paste this code at the bottom of you style.css which you will get at appearance–> editor.

      let me know it works for you or not


  3. Hi there —

    Thanks for all the great tips. I’m wondering if you can help me out as I’m CSS illiterate… My site is http://www.nicktapalansky.com/blog/.

    I’d like to set up my front page such that there would be a bit of separation between each post, with the background being visible between them. An example of another site that does this is http://www.warrenellis.com.

    Likewise, I’d love to change the background color of the side bar to help separate it from the posts. I believe you have this info posted as number 29 here but I’m not sure where to put the code or how to change the font color if I change the background color.

    Finally, I’ve installed the Simple Facebook Connect and Simple Twitter Connect plugins and I’m digging them, except the Facebook ‘ share’ button and Twitter ‘tweet’ buttons seem to be trying to fit in the same place (you can see this at the bottom of each post) – any idea how I might space them out to position them without overlap?

    Any help you can offer would be great and hugely appreciated.

    Thanks so much!



    1. Hi Nick
      What you have to do… you have to paste the code in Custom.css or at the bottom of style.css. You will get them appearance–> Editor.

      For the Facebook share and Twitter Tweet button paste the following code at the bottom of style.css or in custom.css

      .FB_share_button {
      float: left;
      margin-top: 11px;

      .twitter-share-button {
      margin-left: 10px;
      margin-top: 9px;

      For the space between two posts…try this code

      .post, .page {
      margin-bottom: 6em;
      margin-top: 1em;
      padding-bottom: 0.6em;


      Feel free to let me know if you face any problem.


      1. Thanks for the help!

        The featured post slider was activated via Appearance —–> Mystique Settings ——> Content —–> Featured Content (check the box for ‘Home Page’ + anywhere else you’d like it to appear).

        The spacing for the FB/Twitter buttons and the posts worked like a charm! Two more (hopefully) simple questions…

        – I tried posting the following code for changing the sidebar color and font at the bottom of both User CSS and style.css (not at the same time) and it doesn’t seem to be having any effect:

        .widget-area ul ul {
        background-color: wheat;
        font-family: times New Roman;
        font-size: 18px;
        list-style: none outside none;
        padding-left: 2px;

        Am I potentially doing something wrong? Or am I meant to go tweak the settings once I’ve pasted the code (you mentioned Editor, but that just brings me to style.css with a sidebar of other CSS sheets to choose from).

        – The spacing between posts words great! Is there any way to make that space between them transparent and (I know, I’m asking a lot) add some type of border around the posts?



      2. Hi Nick..
        Sorry for the late in reply….

        I think you are searching this… (Sidebar Background Color)

        body.fluid.col-2-left #sidebar {
        background-color: red;
        left: -64%;
        width: 36%;

        For the Sidebar Font

        .block p {
        font-family: tahoma;
        font-size: 17px;

        Try them and let me know they works for you or not…
        Thanks again


  4. Greetings! I have two issues with my site: cosmeticmonster.com

    I want to narrow the space between widgets and the space between the featured post (Summer giveaway) and nav bar.

    Million thanks.


    1. Hi,
      Thanks for your comments…. I think you are searching for the following solution

      /*********** To remove space between Nav bar and Featured Post in Mistique Theme*****************

      #access {

      margin-bottom: 9px;


      /************** To Remove Space Between Widgets in Mistique Theme ***********************/

      #sidebar li, #sidebar2 li {
      padding-bottom: 0;
      padding-left: 0;
      padding-right: 0;
      padding-top: 0;



      1. Thank you! The spacing between the widgets worked better with this:
        .widget {
        margin-bottom: -5px !important;

        But the other CSS modification worked perfectly. Mahalo!


  5. Hi, I’m new at wordpress and I like mystique theme very much.
    This is my new site for learning wordpress: http://hostingbul.co.cc/
    Could you please tell me how can I disable “MY LATEST TWEETS” ? I don’t want to see the tweets.
    I tried to do it from “mystique settings/navigation twitter id Leave blank to disable” but it did’t work.
    Then I tried to do it from widgets/avaible widgets, but I couldn’t disable it. There is only add button.:(
    Help please… Thanks…


      1. Hi Ciko…

        Try the following Code. Though it would better if i could check your wordpress deeply…

        .block-twitter {
        display: none;

        Pease let me know it works for you or not..



    1. Hi Ciko…
      Go to your Appearance–>Editor and then paste that code at the bottom of style.css

      ***It would better if i could check your theme as I guess it could be removed without using css..



    1. Hi,
      Would you mind to try the following code and let me know it works for you or not?

      div.menu {
      margin-top: 71px;

      div .social-icons {
      position: absolute;
      right: 10px;
      top: -61px;
      z-index: -1;



  6. I would like to ask another question regarding specifically this theme. Is there a way to insert a flash slideshow in it. I know wordpress does not support or allow because of security reasons. But I was thinking whether or not there was another way since the theme does not have a featured slide show or carousel application.



    1. Hi,
      What i know..upto my knowledge.. you can’t do it in wordpress.com free site…. though i have already added flash based visitor counter in this blog. but we can’t do it for the header…



  7. Thanks for the job you did here by helping people with the CSS for certain aspects of that Mystique theme. I happen to be using this Mystique theme for my blog and I love it to bits. But I wanted to change a few things about it so I went to tinker with the CSS. I managed to customize it to the way I liked (like making the blog post color darker, altering the block-quotes appearance, widening the page a little bit etc).

    But in the process I lost the social media icons at the blog header, or the useful icons at the top of the Mystique tabbed widget, or the special rendering of the blog post date and author. These were the three that I noticed immediately. I am pretty sure there are other features of the custom Mystique theme that I lost with my CSS alteration, but they are not as important as these ones I’ve mentioned. So, in the end, I just went back to the original default Mystique theme.

    I am just wondering if you know what I could do with the CSS to fix this problem. Any help is appreciated.



    1. Hi GodFather..
      Good Morning. If you want to make the blog post color darker try the following..

      .entry p {
      color: #333333;
      font-size: 14px;
      margin-bottom: 1em;
      margin-left: 0;
      margin-right: 0;
      margin-top: 1em;
      padding-bottom: 0;
      padding-left: 0;
      padding-right: 0;
      padding-top: 0;

      Also..would u mind to share me the link of page where u alter blockquote appearance?



      1. Ok I resaved my altered CSS stylesheet so that the changes I made are now visible. Thanks for the suggestion about how to make a blog post darker but I think I have that area covered :).

        As you can see from the page, a) my social media icons are missing b) the icons above the Mystique tabbed widget are missing c) that special Mystique theme rendering of the blog post date and author are also missing.

        These are the three things I need assistance with. Thanks.


  8. Hi, So happy to find this site. Boy do I need help!. I have no idea what I am doing. I am a Stampin Up Demonstrator and trying to set up a Blog. I have wordpress twentyeleven child theme. I have my Banner on there. That is it ! This is my site: http://donnastampsandsews.com
    . trying to change color of the menu/navigation bar along with everything else. I would like 3 columns. Is that possible. There are thousands of demos out there that have great blogs. I need help. Please, Please Help!


      1. Hello again, I ran into a few setbacks on the go..

        First of all, I can’t seem to be able to embed my google calendar onto the page. Is it possible to do? The embed code is [googleapps domain="www" dir="calendar/embed" query="src=maddawnchallenge%40gmail.com&ctz=Europe/Prague" width="800" height="600" /]
        It obviously doesn’t work when I paste it directly onto the page, nor when I post it via ’embed media’ option – is there a way? (Sorry I’m a total layman when it comes to technical stuff 🙂 )

        Another thing is, I used to have contact forms on wp.com site. These also no longer work (annoying – I spent a load of time tweaking them 😦 ). I had different contact forms on different pages, with different options… Any way of getting those back in all their option-full glory?…

        Now the default comment space for the theme… First just a note – the ‘recent comments’ part looks as if fuzzy, and so does ‘comments’ text – when inactive… It’s a tiny thing but makes it harder to read and looks like a mistake/glitch rather than conscious choice for design… It’s enough that background color changes for inactive tab – fuzzy text is just really disturbing…

        I’d also like to change the ‘leave a comment’ to a different text – how to do that one?

        Finally, if I wanted to permanently change font size/style for the entire blog at once, those codes above would do it, or they are only good for individual posts?…

        Thank you a ton for all the help!


      2. Good Morning..

        thanks for your comments..
        would u mind to share me your requirements or modification you want one by one?


        let me see i can help u or not..



      3. p.s. On a slightly unrelated note… I have roughly 1000 visitor hits in the past month on the old page stats, I’ve been trying to see if I can somehow transfer old stats to the new place? It’s the same exact domain name… Would be a shame to lose all that data :(… I kind of wanted it to reflect on visitors map as well… (yeah yeah, wishful thinking 😀 )


      4. p.p.s. loll sorry for that just in the process of tweaking the webpage, so things kind of show up gradually… Quick question: WP.com allowed for comments to be made via Facebook and Twitter – I presume on self-hosted domains this isn’t an option?… (that’d kind of suck too 🙂 )


      5. Hi,
        Good Morning..
        Umm.. upto i know u only can use Facebook like box in your wordpress.com blog..
        though they have some apps as i know..but not sure they provide this feature or not..



      6. 4. If I wanted to permanently change font size/style for the entire blog at once, those codes above would do it, or they are only good for individual posts?…


    1. 1. First of all, I can’t seem to be able to embed my google calendar onto the page. Is it possible to do? The embed code is [googleapps domain="www" dir="calendar/embed" query="src=maddawnchallenge%40gmail.com&ctz=Europe/Prague" width="800" height="600" /]

      It obviously doesn’t work when I paste it directly onto the page, nor when I post it via ‘embed media’ option – is there a way? (Sorry I’m a total layman when it comes to technical stuff )


      1. Not that I’m aware of – it’s a simple embed code that google gives you once you set up your calendar…

        I’m also unaware of being able to place a widget directly onto a page – if that’s possible, maybe embed code could work if I inserted it into a text widget then pasted that onto the page. However, widgets only show in widget areas as far as I know – I therefore need the calendar directly on the page (it’s huge in size respective to assigned widget sidebar size, and plus cluttering my sidebars with it for all pages would be insane)

        (Last thing (hopefully 😀 ): I find that when I insert extra blank spaces between paragraphs (hitting ‘enter’ a few times, basically), when I hit ‘update’ on page editor, it deletes all extra spacing and keeps only ONE line of space between paragraphs – that screws up all my formatting… Is there a simple way to force the theme to keep the blank lines where I put them, or I gotta code it in somehow?… p.s. coding the height of a single spacing (the hang) between two paragraphs is not an option – I want regular spacing for just one ‘enter’ hit to remain normal. How to make it keep multiple blank lines on the page though?…)


      2. Hmm I thought I posted the reply…

        Anyway – as far as plugins go, I’m not aware of any – will try look it up.

        Got another question: why is it when I hit ‘enter’ several times (to include several blank paragraph lines between text, not just one), then hit ‘update’ – the page immediately resets all my blank spaces to just one? It’s annoying cuz it messes with my formatting – how can I force it into keeping the extra empty ‘paragraphs’ (basically empty lines between paragraphs( where I put them?…


      3. Hi,
        Using css you can easily solve it…
        CSS line height attribute can help u solve this..


        you can use some html tags and css to put any specific spacing between the lines

        *** It is late here..good night for now 🙂



    2. 2. Another thing is, I used to have contact forms on wp.com site. These also no longer work (annoying – I spent a load of time tweaking them ). I had different contact forms on different pages, with different options… Any way of getting those back in all their option-full glory?…

      For example, if you go to page http://maddawnchallenge.net/mad-dawn/e-mail-us/

      at the bottom you see a contact form. I no longer have that showing on self-hosted site, the option to insert one isn’t there either… Some plugin maybe that does the same thing?…


      1. This is a fully separate issue – this is ONLY a question about getting contact form with the same features as there are on the site linked to (wp.com site, FROm which I’m moving everything 😉 ).

        The question about redundant comment section is below and is related to Forum page on wp.ORG site. Two different issues :).


      2. It’s tricky because http://www.maddawnchallenge.net is a self-hosted domain, but right now it is pointing to wordpress.COM site (the OLD one. With contact forms 🙂 ).

        The site I’m moving everything TO is the one with numbers in URL beginning. It is ALSO self-hosted, but points already to the wp.ORG website (new version, where I’m moving everything TO 🙂 ).

        So that means on my NEW site I’d like to have a contact form option, if possible, and also kill the looming comments bar on forum page. (Does that make any sense? 😀 )


      3. Hi,
        it should not be a problem… if you use this Mystique theme in your new hosting, you should get the same look (may vary with version) of wordpress.com Mystique theme….

        but, Yes, you may need to modify the theme (usinng css or other changes) to give it’s contact form or comments bar your choicable look..



      4. Well that’s kind of the thing – I neither see the contact form option anywhere (it used to be in text editing on wp.com, together with polls thing – which isn’t there either). The only thing I now have available is the ‘insert media’ – pictures and video. That’s it. No contact forms.

        Old codes are all on the pages, but they’re just simply text now. So it seems the contact form option just isn’t there for self-hosted…


      5. Yeah I think my only option is to get a plugin and re-do everything from scratch… Oh well, who said life should be easy :).

        (p.s. you’re amazingly helpful, so thank you once again and I’m sorry to take this much of your time!)


      6. 🙂
        No problem at all..
        just let me know if you need any help…

        Let me see i can help u or not..

        ** I saw one plugins which had options to create your own choiceable contact form for wordpress.. it was premium plugins.. i need to check it though. i will inform u later… i may have it in my home pc..



    3. 3. Now the default comment space for the theme…

      First just a note – the ‘recent comments’ part looks as if fuzzy, and so does ‘comments’ text – when inactive… It’s a tiny thing but makes it harder to read and looks like a mistake/glitch rather than conscious choice for design… It’s enough that background color changes for inactive tab – fuzzy text is just really disturbing…

      I’d also like to change the ‘leave a comment’ to a different text – how to do that?

      Finally, I have just installed mingle forums forum to the new site (temporary link ) and even though i DISABLED comments on that page, the ‘comment’ section still shows there! This is horrible, especially on forum page… How can I get rid of it for good?


      1. *** Pls check your plugins are in collision or not… check by de-activating plugins one by one..

        Yes. you can change the text of “Leave a reply” by using the css i have shared..



      2. Disabled everything (except wordpress importer) – comment box still there… hmmm… Maybe what I’d do is try to create a new page, make sure it has comments disabled, move forum there see what happens?…


      3. Sure..try..

        *** specifically for that page where comments is showing now… have u checked “Discussion” from “Screen Option” (upper side of page editor) and then unchecked “Allow Comments”?



      4. Not sure… if that comments not showing is working in new page.. try by installing that forum to check due to this forum that comments section showing back or not..



      5. I made a new page, made sure comments are not allowed (both on editing page and in quick-edit option in ‘pages’, then moved the forum there. No comment box any more, so it’s all sorted.


    4. 5. You’ve mentioned Facebook on wordpress.com – in fact, a guest user on wordpress.com can use their FB, WP or Twitter accounts to sign in (in order to comment). Plus, of course, option of simply entering the e-mail, name etc…

      My thing is, I don’t see the same option on self-hosted platform. This means all users to leave a comment would have to either enter their name and e-mail each time (extremely clumsy, but I can’t enable comments without sign-in of some sorts because otherwise spammers will mushroom)… Is there a way to have them be able to leave the comments same way as on wp.com – simply by connecting to their Twitter/Fb?

      I think that’s it for now 🙂 Thanx!


    5. Good night!

      I’ve installed Social Login plugin just now and set it all up on the website etc etc…

      I can see on the comments bar the “connect with” text displayed, but not a single icon for the actual social networks… Is there a theme conflict?

      Basically I want some plugin that allows users to comment using their FB, Twitter and other social accounts (I mentioned that before)… Will see if I can fish out anything else and get it to display on the theme, although this one sounded very nice and had many services covered…

      I also found a few plugins for google calendar – will try those out in the meantime :).


      1. Meh got one but it wouldn’t customize so just ditched google calendar and installed a local one… Btw in Chrome the arrow ‘back’ for the months on calendar displays as some random character… No such issue in Explorer though…

        Can some of my plugins delete the comment section entirely? I’m seeing it now. Also it’s displaying as “0 comments” on pages where no comments are even allowed to begin with… Ah well – long road to a website…


  9. Hello again!

    Sorry for disappearing for a while – we’re on a self-imposed deadline here so I spend basically all my waking hours making everything work… Anyway…

    1. The calendar in chrome now shows correct symbol… No idea what it was, I haven’t done anything at all to calendar settings/page, it just fixed itself, so must have been some temporary glitch I guess…

    2. Thank you for all the other tips and help! I can’t code myself so I forwarded your advice to my tech-support person :). We were able to make things work, thanks to you :).

    3. Pointed the website domain to the new site already… (www.maddawnchallenge.net). It’s probably not going to work 100% yet – depends on DNS stuff (or something 😀 ), but by this time tomorrow should already re-direct everything correctly – you can check it out then. Will make the old WordPress.com blog private now, too, to avoid confusion…

    You’re awesomely helpful, keep up the great work – it’s appreciated! I’m broke as a church mouse at this moment, but I will definitely will invite you for a coffee as soon as something appears on my bank account 😀


    1. Hi Danfansgroup

      If you want to put space between posts ..pls try the following code.

      article {
      margin-bottom: 38px;

      About the Corner image..
      Do you have any preferred corner images? i can check then..



  10. hi thanks so much.i thought you will never reply like others thankyou so so much.right now i have a bigger problem.first i want space between sidebars and content.second i want my header menu its own colous.i also need a suggestion.when i install most of the plugins not work.is it because new version of wordpress or my theme.iam using wordpress constructor theme.because it allow you to customize a lot.but i am guessing most of the plugins not working because of this theme.am i right?.can you suggest a theme one i can easily customize and plugin friendly.i hope i am not bothering you too much.thanks in advance


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