WordPress Tricks

WordPress.com Theme: iTheme2 by Themify CSS Style sheet modifications: Modify header,link,titles,sidebar,post and more.

iTheme2 by Themify CSS

iTheme2  is another wordpress.com free theme which you can use in your blog. As Usual here I will try to show you some basic and important CSS Style sheet modification of   iTheme2 by Themify

What you need to do is to paste the following codes i have shared here  at the bottom of your  style.css  (if you have your own hosting) or   in  Custom Design  CSS  Section (WordPress.com free hosting)

If you have faced any trouble with the  CSS  issue of  iTheme2  or Any other theme, feel free to let me know in the comments box section. I will solved it asap.

You may also like the followings :

1. Theme Twenty Eleven CSS  Modifications

2. Theme  Esquire by Matthew Buchanan CSS Style Sheet Modification

3. WordPress Theme Quintus by Automattic CSS   Style sheet Modification

4.   Solution of Comments are closed WordPress problem

You can take my personal help in skype : om2000_cuet

1. If you want to change the Site Title font color,font family and font size using CSS

#site-title a {
-x-system-font: none;
color: red;
font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
font-size: 3.5rem;
font-size-adjust: none;
font-stretch: normal;
font-style: normal;
font-variant: normal;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: normal;
text-decoration: none;

2. If you want to completely remove the Site Title and Site Description from the top from itheme2 theme

#site-title,#site-description {
display: none;

3. If you want to change Site Description’s font color,font size and font family of iTheme2

#site-description {
color: red;
font-family: Georgia,”Times New Roman”,Times,serif;
font-size: 2em;
font-style: italic;
margin-bottom: 30px;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-top: 0.75em;
opacity: 0.85;

4. If you want to change the menu Background color of iTheme2

*** First color is the starting color, 2nd color is the ending color. If you want to use gradient
choose your starting color and ending color. Other wise Using single color in the place of starting and
ending color.

#access {
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #FFA600, #FFA300);

5. If you want to change the hover color of the menu try the following code
#access li:hover>a,#access ul ul :hover>a

6. If you want to use your own logo instead of Small “Home” Logo in the left side of the menu

*** your logo should be 80×17 in dimension

#access div.menu > ul > li:first-child > a, #access li.menu-item-home a {
background-image: url(“images/home-icon.png”);

7. If you dont want to show Blog Post date try the following css code

.post-date {
display: none;

8. If you want to change the font color of the Dat Box try the following css code

.post-date .day,.post-date .month,.post-date .year {
color: blue;

9. If you want to change the Date Box Month color on your wist

.post-date .month {
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #FFA500, #FFA500);

10. If you want to change the Blog Post Title’s font color,font family and font size of iTheme2

.entry-title a {
color: red;
font-family: cursive;
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: normal;

11. If you want to put a border or seperator at the bottom of each post try the following

.hentry {
border-bottom-color: blue;
border-bottom-style: dashed;
border-bottom-width: 1px;
margin-bottom: 45px;
position: relative;
.entry-meta {
clear: both;
color: #999999;
font-size: 1.1rem;
line-height: 1.2;
padding-bottom: 23px;

12. If you want to change the blog post font color,font size and font family.

.entry-content {
font-family: cursive;
color: black;
font-size: 15px;
line-height: 28px;

13. If you want to change the “Continue Reading” link color of iTheme2

.more-link {
color: red;

14. If you want to change the link color of blog post content

div.entry-content a:link {
color: orange;

15. If you don’t want to show the bottom side’s Previous Post Link try the following

.single #nav-below {
display: none;
margin-bottom: 3em;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-top: 0;

16. If you want to change the color of the link of Next Post or Previous post Link

.nav-previous a:link {
color: red;
div.nav-next a {
color: red;

17. If you want to change the Right Sidebar’s widget Title’s background grey color

.widget-title, .widgettitle {
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , orange, orange);

18. If you want to change the Right Sidebar’s Widget title’s font color,font family and font size

h1.widget-title {
color: blue;
font-size: 15px;
font-family: cursive;
text-align: center;

19. If you want to change the right sidebar widget’s link color

div#secondary a:link {
color: olive;

20. If you want to change the right sidebar widget’s font color,font size and font family

div#secondary a:link {
color: olive;
font-family: cursive;
font-size: 14px;

21. If you want to change the Comments Title Font color,font family and font size

#comments-title {
color: red;
font-family: cursive;
font-size: 1.8rem;
font-weight: bold;
margin-bottom: 10px;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-top: 0;

22. If you want to change the font color,font size and font family of Comment’s Author or Admin

.comment-author .fn {
color: red;
font-family: “Lucida Grande”,Arial,”Lucida Sans Unicode”,sans-serif;
font-size: 1.6rem;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: bold;

23. If you want to increase the width of Blog post (without removing the sidebar )

/**** Pls check the effect of this code in different browser ***************/

#content {
padding-left: 18px;
padding-right: 12px;
#content {
margin-right: 30.4928%;


24. If you want to increase the width of content section by removing the sidebar

div#secondary {
display: none;
#content {
margin-right: 0;

25. If you dont want to show comments in pages

** Use “No Comments on Pages” plugins for this work

26. If you want to change the Background of the whole theme

body {
background-image: url(“images/body-bg.jpg”);

27. If you want to change Single Blog posts font family,font size and color

#content {
color: black;
font-family: cursive;
font-size: 14px;

28. If you want to remove the whole comments section to show from the posts

#comments {
display: none;

29. If you don’t want to show only the Comments Reply try the following CSS

.commentlist {
display: none;

199 thoughts on “WordPress.com Theme: iTheme2 by Themify CSS Style sheet modifications: Modify header,link,titles,sidebar,post and more.”

  1. Hello!
    Hope you are well and best wishes for 2012.
    I have swapped to this theme after a post went ballistic. I think it’s good for getting new visitors to look at older posts.
    Could you help me change the font colour and size on the nav bar (and make the background less opaque) and the size on the widgets. (blogs, meta) and remove the background on the images (nerditorial and Seek the Evidence)
    I was going to change the font style but a commentor who disagrees with me hates it so it’s staying for now ;P


  2. Hello Om,

    Great blog – thanks for helping us.

    Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

    I would really like to remove the home page button from here:


    Can this be done in the CSS?

    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.




      1. Alright Om,

        Your a code genius, It worked.

        Thanks so much for taking the time to reply – it was really starting to annoy me.

        Be cool,



  3. hello Mr!

    thanks for explaining and the CSS’s, this is great theme, though there are a few glitches under IE7 (unfortunately still very popular web browser…).

    1/ the global navigation’s drop down menu with sub-categories appears not as a list but some kind of block (eg. square 2×2 instead list of 4 items sub-categories). moreover, when the slider is turned on, this menu goes underneath and huge portion of it is virtually obscured. not functional at all :(((

    2/ all boxes are square without nicely rounded corners as it should be. couple of widgets in the sidebar dont display the title (eg Category and Metadata widget).

    i’m not expecting miracle but if you happen to know how to optimise this theme for IE or can recommend some plugin.code that would be just great!

    cheers for reading


  4. Hiya, I’ve changed theme to thememin. it’s http://www.autismum.com
    I’ve done a few little tweaks but wonder if you could help me
    1. reduce the space at the top above the site title;
    2.reduce the space between prev and next under the slider;
    3. get rid of everything under the footer (I know this is an i theme thread so I apologise for being off topic but i theme was bugging me beyond!)
    thanks lovely xx


    1. Hi M O’C
      pls check the following code

      1. To reduce the space at the top above the site title

      #page {
      background-color: #000000;
      padding-top: 0;

      2. You want to reduce the space between Slider and “Prev and Next” ?

      3. Would u mind to clarify me the 3rd problem?

      And..it is not a problem for me… i can help u any theme’s issue regarding css and others..



      1. Thank you that worked perfectly! You are a shining star!!!
        I’d like to reduce the distance between the title of the featured post and the line above prev and next and get rid of the “blog at wordpress…” and all that stuff under the footer


      2. That worked like a dream. I’ve managed to close the gaps I wanted to but I wonder if you can help me
        remove “continue reading”,”category”
        Thanks so much xx


    1. Hi M O’C
      To remove the Category pls try the following code

      footer.entry-meta {
      display: none;

      to remove the Continue Reading check this code

      a.more-link {
      display: none;

      Pls let me know they works for u or not…and pls share me here if u have any issue..



  5. Hi,

    How do you get rid of the “Blog at WordPress.com. | Theme: iTheme2 by Themify. Fonts on this blog.” at the bottom of the page?



  6. Hello. I posted earlier but perhaps it was deleted. I am trying to change the gray menu bar to a blue color. Your instructions are:

    4. If you want to change the menu Background color of iTheme2
    *** First color is the starting color, 2nd color is the ending color. If you want to use gradient
    choose your starting color and ending color. Other wise Using single color in the place of starting and
    ending color.
    #access {
    background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #FFA600, #FFA300);

    This changes nothing. This is a wordpress.com site with Custom CSS added. Any ideas? It appears that theres an image somewhere that I can’t override. Note Im using safari.

    The site is olversjamreview.com

    Thanks in advance. Great blog. Coffee coming your way.


      1. Hi Chris..
        Pls check the following code

        #access {
        background-color: #316AC5;
        background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #316AC5, #316AC5);

        ** U have to paste the code at the bottom of style.css

        Pls let me know this helps u or not



    1. Hi Chris..
      the code should work…
      are u using child theme? if yes….use my code at the bottom of @ import.


      dont use any commenting (for example : /******* this code is for this ****/ ) before the code



      1. It didn’t work but my client just said to leave it as it is. Still bugs me though. I think it has something to do with that tiny back ground image that repeats across. In any event, thanks for your help. Sent you a coffee through PayPal.


  7. hello

    thanks for explaining and the CSS’s, this is great theme, though there are a few glitches under IE7 & IE8 (unfortunately still very popular web browser…).

    1/ the global navigation’s drop down menu with sub-categories appears not as a list

    2/ all boxes are square without nicely rounded corners as it should be. couple of widgets in the sidebar disorders .

    i’m not expecting miracle but if you happen to know how to optimise this theme for IE or can recommend some plugin.code that would be just great!



    1. HI Autismum
      would u mind to try the following code pls

      .hentry {
      margin: 0 0 0;
      position: relative;

      #nav-below {
      margin: 1px 0 0;
      .post-nav {
      margin: 4px 0 0;

      .post-nav a {
      margin: 15px 0 7px;

      Pls let me know it is ok or not..



      1. That looks much better – thank you. One more little thing – i don’t want to show drop downs on my page navs just parent page – no children or grandchildren. How do I do that? xx


  8. worked perfectly, as always! Just one more thing. I’ve noticed that only a few comments are getting displayed. On this post there are 59 but only 19 displayed (it’s the same on other pages too). How can I change it so all are displayed? I like to have open debate on my blog so this would be amazing if you could help
    Here’s the page:



      1. yes. there’s nothing there and there’s nothing that should be cutting them in discussion settings either 😦


  9. what’s a php file. sorry I’m a dumb autismum. tried looking it up but worpress says I can’t edit them is all I’m getting


  10. Ok so I’ve changed theme (!) how can I reduce the gap between continue reading and the date/leave a comment?


  11. Alright OM,

    I can see that you continue to be very helpful and are on hand to aid us with tricky WP issues. You very kindly helped me a few months ago with a problem and I am hoping that you may be able to help with a new issue I am having.

    The site is here:

    As before it is using the iTheme 2 wordpress theme. I have added a site logo that is 149px high. When the responsive theme goes bigger than 720px the nav sits on top of the site logo. When the responsive theme is reduce in size (below 720px) the nav sits below the logo fine.

    Am I correct in thinking that something needs to be updated in the media-queries.css? At the moment I have set the navigation to display: none in order to hide it.

    Thanks for taking the time to help us and any advice you can give would be appreciated.



    1. Hi AP
      pls try the following code and let me know they are Ok or not

      #nav-bar {
      margin-top: 0;
      position: relative !important;

      #site-logo {
      height: 150px;
      position: relative !important;
      top: 0;
      #header {
      height: 195px;
      margin-bottom: 20px;
      position: relative;



      1. Thanks for your reply. None of the boxes were rounded however when i put ie9 into compatability mode the main boxes and widgets showed up rounded. Is there anyway I can get the nav bar rounded? Please let me know. Thanks Steve G.


      2. Hi Steve..
        there is purple color above the menu…is that color u tried to implement?

        also..would u mind to try the code pls

        ul#main-nav {
        border-radius: 8px 8px 8px 8px;
        #nav-bar {
        background-color: #2C2C2E;
        background-image: none;
        border-bottom: 8px solid #161021;
        border-radius: 12px 12px 12px 12px;
        border-top: 8px solid #161021;
        margin-top: 16px;
        position: static;

        not sure.. but pls check it is Ok or not (it make the outward purple border + inner dark grey rounded though)



  12. Hi Steve..
    I would like to put the title line and date before (up) feature image! Is it possible? Tnx a lot for your time and for your job

    Greatting from italy,



  13. HI!
    I do not know why my comment wasn’t publish 🙂 so i’m trying again… 😉
    Do you know how i can put the data and title line over the feature image? In some screenshoot about itheme2 is in this way, not in mine.. http://www.quellidicana.it!

    tnx a lot for your help

    greatings from italy



      1. hi, i have the same problem and would also be VERY interested in the solution! unfortunately i can’t see the solution here…

        many regards


  14. Thanks for this it’s very helpful. I added the code to remove site header and description – description disappeared but the title is still there for some reason. Can you please help?

    Also, when i view my website with this theme on my phone it displays weird – the header image only shows a corner image and the menu is broken into 3 lines. This doesn’t happen on any other site or on my old theme. I uploaded the header image by doing header->background image. Is that correct?

    My website is http://www.thedailyopinion.co.uk



    1. HI RichWhite..
      to remove the Header title of ur site pls check this code

      #site-logo a {
      display: none;

      due to fixed width of ur site layout it may seen ur site differently in different mobile device..

      so, there are several plugins which u can take help for..



      1. thanks that fixed the code.
        I added a header image which showed up, then added a site background image and now the header has disappeared. Do you know anything about that?

        What are the plugins for the mobile viewing?


      2. i got the header image back by deleting it then reuploading it, i guess it disappeared behind the background image. Is that normal? i uploaded both in the header section


      1. Hi Richwhite..
        yes..it is also possible.. but..for this… pls check first it is possible from ur theme’s option or not..

        otherwise.. u can do this by modifying header.php..

        and if u cant do this..i will help u to do..
        but..u have to purchase coffee for me …


  15. hi there. i am creating my first web site. what i would like to ask you is how can i put a slider at the top of my post entries. i would like it to look somehow like this http://www.ascendia.ro/ . also, what slider would you recommend to me that can also show a caption ? it is alright to me if you show me a way to make a post full-width post above my grid, as i have a good slider which only works within a post.
    sorry for my poor english and thank you very much!


  16. sorry, i just found out that the full width post would not help because in a grid like that you need a featured image and you cannot feature a slider. but i was thinking, isn’t there a way to modify the default header slider of itheme2 to make some better slider ?


    1. nevermind, i found what i wanted. however, if you’d like to give me some better advice than adding a shortcode in the index.php right above the loop, i would highly appreciate.
      damn, learning about this stuff can be so fun and annoying at the same time..


      1. i’m working on my localhost, because i didn’t want to pay for a domain and hosting before i knew if i can do my own website or not. now it seems like i’m going to put on the www soon.


      2. yeah, i know. but now i figured it out so… thanks anyway.
        oh, and something else… i was reading about SEO and i found out that paid frameworks help you with SEO. Does also the free themify framework helps you ? how long would it take for the website to be indexed by google (if i also do my texts right)…


      3. Hi,
        actually i have the basics of SEO..but i never thought of it for my blog..
        and i am not sure about the paid framework..

        but.. regular update of ur blog with proper linking with ur previous posts or pages with appropriate keywords will help u indexed quickly in google..



      4. what would be the average time to get indexed ? i’m not making a blog, i’m making a website for an electrician, and what i am willing to do is use as many times as i can in my “about” an “faq” pages the keywords that everybody is googling: electrician, authorized an my city (bucharest). i think that’s the maximum i can do for SEO. my luck is that, even if i know pretty much nothing about SEO and even less about webdesign, the sites of this kind in my country are really really bad, and i’m sure i can do way more than that in a pretty short time (even though i’m taking my time, i don’t have a deadline, he’s my father 🙂 )


      5. Hi Lucimarin..
        actually they way you are thinking to increase keyword density may not be the best way to get indexed in google…google is smarter..so..dont try to use keyword in suchh way that google thinks u r spamming.. u have to use it technically..



      6. yeah, i know, that’s what i meant saying “as much as i can”… i know google is smart, but i think i can be smarter than it :)… but i don’t know what else i could do about it…


      7. yeah, that would be great. it would also be great even without the links, maybe even better…


      8. can you please help me with that ? it doesn’t metter which metod, at least adding or removing some links i can do by my self…


      9. ok… i’m going to put it on the web in a week or two, hope you’ll help me then. best regards,


  17. Hi There. Hopefully you’ll be able to help with this issue I’m having.
    I am trying to use an image as my logo/header but the navigation bar covers most of the image.
    My URL – http://kpwebservices.net/t4f/

    I’ve tried re-positioning the image and/or the navigation bar using the theme’s settings and the css with no luck.

    Any assistance would be very much appreciated.



      1. Thanks Om. That looks better and I can adjust the amount of pixels to make it fit better, however, now the mobile version looks off.

        The menu shows halfway down the page.
        Are you able to assist please?



      2. Hi Kevin…
        though ur theme is already responsive to mobile device…

        but..i am not sure u already did any changes before for which the mobile is looking off etc….

        but..there is some more modification u can do for ur ipad using some php code as i know..



      1. Hi Om,
        Thanks for you help,I was already stretching background size just needed to add padding at the bottom! Still learning from silly mistakes 🙂


      2. Hi Stven..

        regarding rounding corners..

        though i could provide u css for the rounded corner..but it would better u directly modify the header image top rounded… rounded corner for css will not work the same for all of the browsers



  18. Hello there!

    Thank you so much for your codes, they helped me a lot! However, I would like to know how I can limit the number of posts that appear on the main/home page to the newest 3 for example.

    Thanks again!


      1. Oh thanks a lot! I had no idea it was there! 🙂

        Another issue though, I am using the Arabic version of the theme & the slider isn’t appearing correctly nor it is sliding properly, I don’t know whats the issue! Would you be able to tell what could be wrong? Here’s the link: almakeen.com


      2. Hi Mona..
        At first try by de-activating your plugins one by one and check slider is working or not…
        *** may be plugins are conflicting…

        pls check it and let me know..



  19. Hello,
    I am a relative novice to website building and messed with the code for my footer on iTheme2. I just wanted to change what it said, which I figured out how to do on a previous theme, so I didn’t think it would be that difficult. Unfortunately whatever I changed in the footer code messed up my whole site, and I don’t know how to get it back to the way it was! Can you please e-mail me the default footer code so I can put it back to the way it was or tell me what else I can do? Thanks so much,


      1. Thanks so much for the quick response! Also, is there a way to change the order of the pages in the menu at the top? They are currently in alphabetical order but I’d like to move them around.


  20. Hi Om,

    You are doing a stellar job of helping people out with CSS. I had one question.
    I just started my blog with iTheme2 on wordpress.com and I have Custom Design. Is it possible for me to add an image slider. If so, how do I do it?

    Thanks in advance.


      1. Hi Om,

        I added about 6 images as made them all Featured Images but still no image slider came up. I added the images in pages not posts. But it should still work, shouldn’t it? What am I doing wrong here or not doing?



    1. Hi Moomin..
      have u tried “Read More” option in the Post editor ? that Read More in the Post Editor should help you to set upto which portion of your post to show in the home page..and the Rest portion of the post will be clickable with “Read More” link

      let me know u got the option or not



  21. hi there

    great site and i hope i can get help for my issues here

    First issue Index Layout:
    The default Layout places the featured image above the date and post titel. but i would like to place the featured image after the date an post titel like here: http://themify.me/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/itheme2-product-img.jpg. Is there a easy way to change that?

    Second Issue Post Layout:
    I would like to insert some aditionals Linebreaks or space between the post titel and the post text. How can i do that?

    Third Issue Comments Layout:
    I don’t like the layout of the comments section very much. Is there a way to change that? For example i like your comments layout 😉

    I hope i can get help here as i tried a lot of things but couldn’t find a way



      1. i am using my own hosting, i have a synology diskstation server at home. i also have a purchased hosting for a second wordpress site with the same issue

        thanks for your help!


      2. Hi Thomas..
        yes..they way you are asking to show the featured image is possible…but it will need to modify the theme’s php file… and as you are using ur own hosting u can do that



      3. good news so far. can you tell me what files i have to change and what code i have to use? i don’t know css and maybe you can help me with the right code in the right files?



      1. Thanks, Om, for your response. Sorry for the delay in replying – still making decisions at this end. If we decide to go this route, I’ll be in touch. Appreciate your website – thank you!


    1. Hi Leinadfr
      i think u r searching for this following code to change ur Content section + widgets background

      #content {
      background: none repeat scroll 0 0 lightblue;

      .widget {
      background: none repeat scroll 0 0 lightblue;



  22. Hi Om, I was wondering if I can change the size of the header image. Now, no matter image size I try to upload it is defaulting to a large one. I want to upload a custom size image that won’t take up too much space. How to do that?


    1. Hi Jolly
      thanks..pls try this code
      it will replace your iTheme2’s Text based Title to Image Header

      h1#site-title a {
      visibility: hidden !important;

      h1#site-title {
      background-image: url(“http://justjoyfulness.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/header.png”) !important;

      Let me know it is ok or not



  23. Hi Om,

    I want the same thing as justjoyfulness so I’ve tried this code for my blog, but it didn’t work:

    h1#site-title a {
    visibility: hidden!important;

    h1#site-title {
    background-image: url(‘http://mvflux.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/mvfluxheader10.jpg’)!important;

    What is wrong?



  24. Because there is a fixed default size for the header image: 978×288 and I want it to put a 978×150 instead. When I upload the 978×150 header image the system forces me to crop it (in order to fit the predifined 978×288 proportion).


    1. Hi JP
      pls try this code

      #custom-header-image {
      display: none !important;

      hgroup {
      background: url(“http://mvflux.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/mvfluxheader10.jpg”);
      width: 978px;
      height: 151px;



  25. Hi, I was wondering if there was any way to change the size of the header image in iTheme2 using css. My blog (futbolpulse.com) has a header image (website logo), but it takes up way too much space. Can I use css to have a custom image height without having to crop it in the dashboard?


  26. Hi there – I’m so happy to have found your site. I’ve replaced my header with an image/logo and it forces me to have it be “taller” than I want it. How do I keep the width the same but cut the height almost in half?


  27. Re: iTheme2 fixed position header. Is it at all possible to have the body scroll, leaving the Site Logo, Site Title Description, and Menu Buttons (fixed in position, non scrolling) for all posts and pages? On the home page, could the image slider, be fixed also? Thanks, Ken


  28. Hi Om,
    I just want to remove the Powered by WordPress • Themify WordPress theme text from the footer. My custom css didn’t work.

    thanks so much


  29. Hi Om,

    What css should I use to remove the Search bar from the main nav. Site is violetsandvinegar.com.au



      1. Hi Dani
        would u mind to check it pls

        #searchform-wrap {
        display: none;
        #content {
        background: white !important;
        color: black !important;
        #content,#content * {
        background: white !important;
        color: black !important;

        pl let me know if it helps



      1. Sorry, no joy. That’s okay. Let’s just leave it there.

        I’ll get you three coffees, though, if you can help me change the footer widget-title backgrounds to black (instead of the grey gradient). None of my code seems to work.

        Thanks so much for all your help.



  30. Hello
    Can you please fix my site for I.E.5,5.5,6. 6.5. Site’s menu navigation converted into two lines in internet explorer versions as I mentioned above.Where as It is opening fine in all latest browsers.It is also mentioned that my site is in local language i.e urdu language. And I am using font “Jameel Noori Nastaleeq” for my menu navigation. My site url is http://pindighebonline.com
    Thanks you in advance for your early response if possible.


  31. I agree with you. But still there are many people who do not care to upgrade their browser versions after installation of windows xp. I still interested to fix this problem. I appreciate your effort if you solve my problem. Thank you very much for replying me soon.


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