47 thoughts on “Olsen By CSSIgniter: Modifications of header, footer, sidebar, contents, customization and documentations”

      1. Hi Nicky
        sorry for the late response
        i checked your requirements and found it may not look good?

        try this code please

        .home article {
        width: 45%;
        float: left;
        height: 564px;
        margin-right: 5%;

        .home .entry-featured img {

        height: 261px;
        .home .entry-title {
        font-size: 17px !important;


        let me know what you think



      2. Hi Nicky
        the social icons matter u mentioned..actually that will need me to check your dashboard ..as Olsen is a premium theme and you are using wordpress.com
        as i don’t have premium plan…without checking from your dashboard can’t help u properly about that…

        Regarding the Instagram images
        would you mind to try this code and let me know? (i did it for desktop view only)

        @media (min-width: 980px) and (max-width:1222560px) {
        #secondary {
        margin-left: 0% !important;
        width: 33% !important;
        .wpcom-instagram-columns-3 img {
        max-width: 30% !important;

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Wow fantastic! thanks, worked for the instagram pictures! 🙂
        As for my wordpress, i have business not premium. So i will be limited as to what i can do i guess…


      4. It is possible to have an instagram footer like the one on this site: https://www.cssigniter.com/demo2/?theme=olsenlight
        Also, i don’t know the css code to center images in the sidebar on the right (liketyou gave me for the instagram sidebar widget), and is it possible to get these thin lines separting the different parts of the page? like on the site i added above?
        Thanks a lot for your help, it is much appreciated! Nicky


      5. i can’t seem to send photos…
        It’s the photo gallery sidebar and the one just underneath of the milestone count down..

        is there a CSS to center any sidebar so that i can use it for any sidebar in the future?
        Thanks Nicky


      6. Hi Nicky
        to center the gallery image try this code

        .gallery-row {
        margin-right: 0px !important;
        width: 100% !important;
        padding-right: 0px !important;
        margin-left: 10%;
        To center the mile stone
        .milestone-content {
        margin-left: 16% !important;

        let me know if that helps


      7. HI Nicky
        Regarding footer instagram issue:
        as i am not using premium plan…so..without checking your dashboard i cant help you properly for that


  1. Hi , I am a non-technical person. I have no clue where to paste the codes which u have given here. I would really want to modify a lot of things in this theme?
    Can u suggest me any user-friendly theme for fashion if that’s okay?


    1. Hi Santhiya
      if you are using wordpress.com free hosted site, you need to purchased premium plan.
      Or, if you have your own domain and hosting..then you can either use simple custom css or can use dashboard’s Appearance > Customize >Additional CSS



  2. Hi Om – using the Olsen theme and can’t figure out the proper sidebar image size. Any idea? I have used a number of different sizes and it left-justifies the image and looks odd. I either need the correct size or need to figure out how to center the image in the sidebar. Would appreciate any assistance.


  3. Hi, I would like to change the text on the button on front page slider from “continue reading” to something in Polish. Do you know how to go about it? Much appreciated 🙂


  4. Hi there, i would like to get my page switching from “normal text menu” to a “hamburger menu”, beginning at a bigger width than for mobile. Would you know if there is any css for this? Thanks in advance, Marcus


      1. Hi Marcus
        WP Mobile Menu
        would u mind to check that plugins please?
        though it is used for mobile….but you can show the mobile menu in desktop view too by using the settings ( by using the pixel value you want to show the humberger)

        let me know what u think



      2. Hi and thanks for the plugin idea, i could set the width nicely, but overall it didn’t work as expected. I understand there is no easy CSS fix that sets the pixel value for the width? Marcus


  5. Hello 🙂 thank you for this post! I have one more question regarding a grid. There is a huge space after two posts, do you know how to reduce it? 🙂


  6. Hi, the dropdown menu at the top of my site is not working, especially when viewed from a mobile phone. I have a pro version of the Olsen theme.

    Thank you


      1. Hi Jayson
        please try this

        @media (min-width: 993px) {

        .is_stuck nav.nav {
        width: 60% !important;
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center !important;

        .site-bar.group.sticky-head.is_stuck {
        width: 100% !important;
        left: 0;
        right: 0;
        .is_stuck .site-tools.has-search {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center !important;



  7. Hello,
    Do you know a way to change the logo on individual pages? I have a shop page and a blog page and I’d like to upload a different logo image for each. Honestly, what I really want is to have a different display header on each page, but I can’t figure that out. It seems that’s not available on the full theme as is.



  8. Hi, Is it possible to edit the CSS to create a sticky sidebar from the top of the main content (rather than the top of the page/URL bar) of my pages/posts?

    Many thanks,


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